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How to Develop Self-Confidence & Influence People by Public Speaking
- 2-5-2012
- Categorized in: Self Development
Key Points
Dale Carnegie’s How to Develop-Self Confidence & Influence People by Public Speaking is an evergreen work. The main takeaway from this book is that improving public speaking and improving self-confidence are a function of preparation, education, determination and practice. There is no short cut to a better you - rather a long path of self-improvement.
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How to Develop Self-Confidence & Influence People by Public Speaking Author: Dale Carnegie |
Chapter 1 - Developing Courage and Self-Confidence
- People are primarily nervous about public speaking and lack confidence
- It is easy to learn to become a good speaker
- Speaking in front of a group can be a stimulus
- Desire to give a great speech, confidence and preparation can go along way.
Chapter 2 - Self-Confidence through Preparation
- A well prepared speech is 9/10 delivered
- Arrange your thoughts and nurture your convictions prior to giving a speech
- Speeches take a great deal of time to prepare
- Gather material and research to the point of the extreme. Know your topic.
Chapter 3 - How Famous Speakers Prepared Their Addresses
- Like war, speeches must be well prepared for. According to Napoleon, “The art of war is a science in which nothing succeeds which has not been calculated and thought out.”
- Cover a point and then be done with it.
- Think out and be prepared to demonstrate your conclusion
- Dictate and listen to your speech if possible
- Also try practicing your prepared remarks quietly.
Chapter 4 - The Improvement of Memory
- The keys to memory are: repitition, impression & association.
- Hook your points together in your speech so that transitions naturally flow into the next logical point.
Chapter 5 - Essential Elements in Successful Speaking
- Improvement is a straight linear thing - don’t get discouraged when you plateau.
- Persistence and dogged determination, like the tide, can lift all ships. Stick with it.
Chapter 6 - The Secret of a Good Delivery
- It’s not what you say but how you say it
- Good delivery is conversational
- Some give and take is required
- Pause behind, before, between the main ideas
- Stress important words not meaningless ones
Chapter 7 - Platform, Presence & Personality
- Don’t eat too much before giving your speech
- Be magnetic and energetic
- Dress well.
- Smile often.
- Keep things intimate, informal
- Use a smaller room for your speech, cluster people together
Chapter 8 - How to Open a Talk
- Your opening is vitally important
- Never start with a joke or make an apology
- Make your presentation feel free, casual and inevitable.
Chapter 9 - How to Close a Talk
- At the end of your speech, don’t leave anything to chance or end on a ragged tone. Plan your closing word for word right until the end. This is the most strategic element of your speech.
- Some tips for closing: appeal for action, restate key points, build up a major climax
Chapter 10 - How to Make Your Meaning Clear
- Put your ideas into plain language
- If you repeat key ideas, rephrase them so the audience isn’t aware of the repition
Chapter 11 - How to Interest Your Audience
- We are all extremely interested in extraordinary facts about ordinary things
- Balanced sentences and contrasting ideas
- Stories of people, gossip all hold audience attention for a long time
Chapter 12 - Improve Your Diction
- Reading the greats will help make your diction perfect
- Look up words that are unfamiliar to you when you read
- Avoid trite & silly words & comparisons
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